
Which Yankees players have also played for the Rockies? MLB Immaculate Grid Answers September 2

Every day, MLB Immaculate Grid allows fans to test the extent of their baseball knowledge.

The fun, interactive quiz game follows a relatively simple model. The 3 x 3 grid comes with six hints. It is up to the players to take the clues into account to populate the nine squares with names of relevant MLB players.

Among other things, the Sept. 2 Immaculate Grid asked users to name players who have appeared for both the New York Yankees and the Colorado Rockies over the course of their careers. Let's take a look at some top names.

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Players who have played for the Colorado Rockies and New York Yankees | MLB Immaculate Grid September 2

DJ LeMathieu is nicknamed the "Big Fundy" for his strong fundamentals when it comes to the game of baseball. In 2014, his third season in the MLB, LeMathieu was the first player in Colorado Rockies history to win the Gold Glove as a utility player.

In 2016, his .348 batting average represented the highest figure in the league. In 2018, he signed with the Yankees, and posted a league-best .364 average in 2020, making him the only player in modern times to win the batting title in both the AL and the NL.

"DJ LeMathieu with the juiced ball was one of the best hitters I’ve ever seen" - Chris

The Colorado Rockies selected Troy Tulowitzki with the seventh overall pick in 2005. In 2007, the 22-year-old hit .291/.359/.479 with 24 home runs and 99 RBIs, only narrowly losing out to Ryan Braun of the Milwaukee Brewers in NL Rookie of the Year voting. Over his nine seasons in Colorado, Tulowitzki would win multiple Gold Gloves and Silver Sluggers. He joined the Yankees with the aim of rejuvenating his career in 2019, but was out of MLB a few short months later.

2000 AL MVP Jason Giambi jumped ship on the Oakland Athletics on the eve of Billy Beane's magical 2002 Moneyball season. However, that is not to say that the first baseman did not find success elsewhere.

In 2002, he hit 41 home runs and 122 RBIs for the Yankees, winning a Silver Slugger and garnering strong MVP consideration. By the time Giambi joined the Rockies as a 38-year-old in 2009, he was well past his best. He hit .246/.362/.482 over three seasons before retiring soon after.

"Jason Giambi, postseason numbers with the Yankees (2002-2008): .279/.409/.510/.919" - Yankees S**T

Current New York Yankees reliever Tommy Kahnle has anchored one of MLB's best bullpens this season. In 35 appearances, the 6-foot-2 right-hander has an ERA of just 2.81. Although he was drafted by the Yankees in 2010, Kahnle got his start in the Rockies bullpen, making 90 appearances between 2014 and 2015.

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